An Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on
Monday 7th March 2022
At 7.30pm
The White Swan Torksey Lock
04.01 Those Present.
Cllr F. Bridges. Chairman.
Cllr S. Johnson.
Cllr D. Emmott.
Cllr J. Carman-Mobbs.
Cllr S. Scawthon.
Cllr N. Large.
Cllr L. Levitt.
Mr R. Pilgrim. Parish Clerk.
Mr G. White. West Lindsey District Council Communities Officer.
04.02 Apologies for Absence.
None required.
04.03 Declarations of Interest.
None received.
04.04 Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting.
Resolved: That the Minutes of the last meeting, held on Monday 7th February 2022, be approved as a true record.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
04.05 Matters Arising form the Minutes of the Last Meeting
Not included in this agenda.
None received.
04.06 Amendments to the Agenda by Resolution.
Renewal of the bank mandate.
One extra signatory required.
Cllr N. Large will be the fourth signatory. Any two to sign.
04.07 Importance of replying to emails.
The Chairman asked Councillors to regularly check emails from the clerk and reply as soon as possible to any that need a reply in order that action can to be taken.
04.08 Co-option of a New Member to the Parish Council.
Resolved: That Mrs L. Levitt be co-opted as a member to Torksey Parish Council.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was duly signed.
The Receipt of Code of Conduct Form was duly completed.
04.09 GDPR.
a. Adoption of an updated Dated protection Policy.
b. Adoption of an updated Data Breach Policy.
Resolved: That the above Policies at 04.09.a and 04.09.b be adopted by this Parish Council.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
04.10 Emergency Plan.
Councillors will study the plan, prepared by Cllr Carman-Mobbs, for discussion at the next meeting to be held on Monday 4th April 2022.
04.11 Future Development of the Hume Arms Site.
Mr Grant White assured Council that although there was very little which West Lindsey District Council could do in terms of Compulsory Purchase and development, the site being a difficult one to develop because of its situation and the small number of residents. However, he did advise that the Parish Council could re-apply for a Right to Purchase listing, which would mean that the owner will have to advise the Parish Council of any future plans and will put some pressure on the owner to seriously think of his next steps.
Mr White will also contact other departments within West Lindsey District Council to see if there are any other ways in which pressure could be bought to bear.
05.12 Purchase of an Extension to the Cemetery.
Although this is now a possibility, Council has decided to remove it from the agenda whilst essential paperwork is being done by the owner. When his solicitors have completed the necessary paperwork the project will be able to move forward once again.
05.13 The Purchase of a Storage Unit for the Village Green.
The Clerk will research the purchase of a storage unit and bring initial costings to the meeting on Monday 4th April 2022.
05.14 Information Kiosk.
The Kiosk is not in use at the moment. Councillors will bring possible solutions to the next Meeting. Monday 4th April 2022.
05.15 Village Green.
a. Monthly Inspection. Please find a copy attached to these Minutes.
b. Transfer of Land and Responsibility for Maintenance to Parish Council. This is ongoing, the final paperwork is still with Sills and Betteridge. Council is assured that the matter will be completed in the near future.
c. Removal of the Willow Tree.
Fenton Tree Surgery are looking into the problem as it would seem that the application paperwork has possibly been lost.
d. Pond Water Level.
Reedman Services will make a depth gauge and fit it. Council now requires a quotation for the work before a decision about the expenditure can be made. Cllr Scawthon will contact Reedman Services.
Quotation for work needed on the Dyke Bank. Nothing has been heard from the contractor, the Clerk will make contact before the April meeting.
e. Missing “Pickets” in the Play Area Fence. A quotation is expected. The Clerk will contact the contractor for a quotation before the April meeting.
f. Positioning of the Goalposts. The central position of the goalposts will remain in use for the time being.
g. New Recycled Plastic Benches.
Resolved: That Council purchase three Sloper Seats, The Clerk will contact Marmax for a quotation, which will be discussed at the April Meeting.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
05.16 Highways Issues.
a. Jet Drains along the A156. The Clerk will contact Highways for a visit from the jetting tanker. Mud is completely blocking the drains along the A156, The Elms to the Village.
b. Letter to the Landowner concerning the mud in the drains. The Clerk will contact and explain the position.
05.17 Traffic Calming. Street Furniture and Road design.
This will be dealt with at the next meeting, Monday April 4th, 2022.
05.18 Health & Safety.
a. Village Green. No issues reported.
b. Cemetery. No issues reported.
c. Play Area. No issues reported.
05.19 The Parish.
a. Content. Defer to future meeting.
b. Distribution.
05.20 Facebook.
Updated as and when required.
06.21 Finance.
a. Financial Statement.
Resolved: That the Financial Statement for February 2022 be approved as a true record.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously
b. Clerk’s Salary & Expenses. £326.02
Resolved: That the Clerk’s Salary and Expenses be approved for payment.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
c. Invoices for Payment.
HMRC PAYE £70.00
Linc Association of Local Councils. £255.86
Lincs Maintenance. £75.00
Resolved: That the expenditure at 06.21.c be approved for payment.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
d. Possible donation to LIVES or Other Local Charities.
This item will be removed from the agenda.
e. Information for new Mandate.
Cllr Large will act as the fourth signatory on the Mandate, which requires any two to sign.
06.22 Correspondence.
No comments.
06.23 Future Agenda Items.
Painting of the Kiosk.
Price of Paint.
06.24 Dates for Future Meetings.
Monday 4th April 2022.
Monday 2nd May 2022.
Monday 4th June 2022.
06.25 Closure of the Meeting.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 21.30 (9.30 pm).
Approval of the Minutes.