Councillors are summoned to attend
To be held on Tuesday 13th October 2020
Beginning at 7.30 pm
Zoom Technology
Members of the public and press are cordially invited to attend
Before the meeting begins there will be a public forum lasting approximately 15 minutes.
- Those Present.
- Apologies for Absence.
- Declarations of Interest.
- Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting. Tuesday 8th September 2020.
- Matters Arising.
- Co-option of two Councillors.
- Installation of dog bins along the A156. The Elms to Torksey Village. Cllr Ellis.
- Proposed meeting with Trent Valley Surgery. Report from Cllr Bridge.
- Shredding of archived paperwork held in Kinvena store. Notebook
- Parish Survey. Planning for the Hume Arms site.
Survey sent for printing. Waiting for pick up.
- Cemetery: Increase in the cost of Grounds Maintenance.
Letter from A. Grieve. Reply asap.
- TIVOLI. No response to requests for invoices and cutting schedule.
Requested an update see Correspondence out. 091020.
- Village Green:
- Goal Posts on the village green.
Letter from Croquet Club.
- Grass Cutting 2021. Kinvena Homes Ltd. Mediation by West Lindsey District Council.
TP1 sent to Tracey Bircumshaw. Paperwork to follow. No reply from Kinvena re original funds.
- New Litter Bin for the Play Area. Cllr Ellis.
- Monthly inspections of Village Green. Play Area. Report Cllr Scawthon.
- Planting of an orchard on the village Green. Report Cllr Bridges.
- Other Issues: Croquet Club. Storage of topsoil. Correspondence.
Letter from Croquet Club.
- Highways Issues:
Issues for discussion. The surface of Sand Lane is deteriorating badly.
- New Bus Shelter:
- Forms from Lincolnshire County Council: Permission to erect a new shelter on the verge. Signed Agreement forms from LCC missing.
- Traffic Calming:
- Speed Reduction Torksey Lock/Torksey.
- Restart CSW. Possible date for first survey.
- Equipment storage and maintenance of the camera.
- Health and Safety:
- Village Green.
- Cemetery. A large tree on the southern boundary of the cemetery is in need of attention.
- Play Area.
- The Parish:
- Content.
- Distribution.
- Facebook. Contents.
- Finance:
- Financial Statements for September 2020
- Clerk’s Salary and Expenses. September 2020.
- Invoices for Payment October 2020.
- SODA PDF (PDF Online) Convert files.
- Correspondence.
- Future Agenda Items.
- Dates of Future Meetings:
- Tuesday 10th November 2020.
- Tuesday 8th December 2020.
- Closure of the Meeting.
This meeting is to be held using Zoom technology.
If you wish to attend the meeting please contact the Parish Clerk: clerktorkseypc@gmail.com (01427 718388) and ask for an invitation.
R. Pilgrim.
Parish Clerk.