October 2021 Agenda



Councillors are summoned to attend.


To be held on Tuesday 12thth October 2021.

Beginning at 7.30 pm.

The White Swan, Torksey Lock

Members of the public and press are cordially invited to attend.

  1. Those Present.
  2. Apologies for Absence.
  3. Declarations of Interest.
  4. Approval of the Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting held Tuesday 14th September 2021.
  5. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the last Ordinary meeting and not included in this Agenda.
  6. Torksey Viaduct. Car parking on Station Road for walkers.
  7. Emergency Plan 2018.
  8. Fly tipping – Station Road.
  9. Planning Application 143169. Hume Arms, Torksey.
  10. Purchase of an Extension to the Cemetery.
  11. Candidates for Vacancies on the Parish Council.

Resolution to attend a required number of meetings.

  1. Village Green.
  1. Monthly inspection of the Village Green.
  2. Transfer of land, and Responsibility for Maintenance, to the Parish Council.
  3. Removal of the Willow Tree.
  4. Pond Water Level.
  • Expense of Pumping.
  • Work required on the bank to aid the connection of the pump hose.
  • Parish Council Purchase a pump.
  1. Highways Issues.
  2. Traffic Calming.Torksey PC and Fenton PC. Combined effort to reduce the speed limit.
  3. Health and Safety.
  4. Village Green.
  5. Cemetery.
  6. Play Area.
  1. The Parish.
  1. Content.
  2. Distribution.
  1. Facebook Content.
  2. Finance.
  1. Financial Statement September 2021.
  2. Clerk’s Salary & Expenses September 2021.
  3. Invoices for Payment October 2021.
  1. Correspondence.
  2. Future Agenda Items.
  3. Dates for Future Meetings.
  1. Tuesday 9th November 2021.
  2. Tuesday 14th December 2021.
  3. Tuesday 8th February 2022.
  1. Closure of the Meeting.



R. Pilgrim.

Clerk to the Council.