February 2021 Agenda



Councillors are summoned to attend.


To be held on Tuesday 9th February 2021

Beginning at 7.30 pm

Zoom Technology

Members of the public and press are cordially invited to attend.

Before the meeting begins there will be a public forum lasting approximately 15 minutes.


  1. Those Present.
  2. Apologies for Absence.
  3. Declarations of Interest.
  4. Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting. Tuesday 8th December 2020.
  5. Matters Arising.
  6. Planning Application for the Hume Arms site.                                               15 Minutes
  1. Parish Survey. Present position.
  1. Litter Picking Scheme WLDC.
  2. Cemetery:
  1. Purchase of extension to the Cemetery. Clerk.
  2. Quotation Fenton Tree Surgery. Tree works.  Cllr Scawthon.
  1. Village Green:
  1. Goal Posts on the village green.
  • Siting & securing of the Posts. Cllr Scawthon.
  1. Grass Cutting 2021.
  • Quotations DWG Groundcare for approval.
  1. Monthly inspections of Village Green. Play Area. Cllr Scawthon.
  2. Planting of an orchard on the village Green. Cllr Bridges.
  3. Use at Own Risk. Signage for entrances.
  • Chairman. Proposal. That before acting on the reversal of a decision taken at a previous meeting, 10 November 20, Standing Order 7, Previous Resolutions, be suspended.
  1. Highways Issues:
  2. New Bus Shelter:
  • Installation of the new shelter.
  1. Traffic Calming:
  1. CSW Group.
  1. Health and Safety
  1. Village Green.
  • Willow Tree. Fenton Tree Surgery.
  1. Cemetery.
  2. Play Area.

14The Parish:

  1. Content.
  2. Distribution to the village.
  3. Distribution to The Elms.
  1. Facebook. Content of the site.
  2. Finance:
  1. Financial Statements for December 2020 & January 2021.
  2. Clerk’s Salary and Expenses. December 2020 & January 2021.
  3. Invoices for Payment February 2021.
  1. Correspondence.
  2. Future Agenda Items.
  3. Dates of Future Meetings:
  1. Tuesday 9th March 2021.
  2. Tuesday 13th April 2021.
  3. Tuesday 11th May 2021. AGM & APM.
  1. Closure of the Meeting.

This meeting is to be held using Zoom technology.

If you wish to attend the meeting please contact the Parish Clerk: clerktorkseypc@gmail.com (01427 718388) and ask for an invitation.


R. Pilgrim.

Parish Clerk.